Sunday, March 2, 2008

Defending Nancy Grace!

Nancy is a legal analyst. She doesn’t claim to be a jounalist. She doesn’t have to be fair to all sides. She can say whatever she wants about whatever case she wants. She can say someone is guilty even if the jury says no. She has the right to her opinion and in America, we have the right to express those opinions.

With that said, anybody has the right to disagree with her as well.

I have had it up to here with the media elites who say that journalists can’t give their opinion. We live in the new millenium… this isn’t the 1800’s anymore. Everybody has an opinion and I wanna hear it. I don’t care that we may disagree. The reality is, I want to know what you are thinking.

I have a real problem with people who say that journalists cannot tell their viewers what they really believe about a story. Our whole jury system is based upon what you believe in your moral heart and reasonable head. Journalists have every right to tell people what they believe. And I don’t believe that makes them biased… its makes them better journalists. You can express what you believe one minute and give both sides the next. It has absolutely no bearing on your ability to report the facts.

Thats what I BELIEVE!

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