Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bobby Cutts spared death in Jessie Davis double homicide

Dumb jury syndrome strikes agian! Yesterday, Bobby Cutts was sentenced to 57 years in prison for the double homicide of his wife Jessie Davis and her unborn child Chloe. Cutts was spared the death penalty by the jury of 12. Sources tell me the jury foreman quickly decided agianst the death penalty because Cutts had no prior history of violence and believes he did not intentionally kill Davis. Well thats just simply not true because he did have a misdometer from 10 years ago. But even so, Ted Bundy and Scott Peterson had no prior criminal history either and they are still convicted killers. Jessie Davis and her unborn child get the death penalty... but Cutts doesn't?

Some legal analysts have said they understand the jury's decision because Cutts lead law enforcement to the body. So what? That doesn't change the fact that Cutts committed double homicide. It doesn't change the pain, fear, and terror Jessie was going through as she was being killed. It doesn't ease the families burden at all. So thats just a rediculous argument. This is simply the opinion of 12 people... I disagree with it.

Very shocking is that one source told me that the jury foreman was agianst the death penalty but would consider it if he had to. Don't juries have to death penalty juries before getting on death cases?

Larry's Notebook: Here are some of my notes from watching the testimony at the procceding yesterday:

"I never wanted to believe you could hurt her, but in my soul I knew you had... There are mornings I have to cover her picture up. I can't get out of bed." - Jessie Davis' mother

"Do you know what this feels like?... You don't. Because you have not lost someone. You got rid of someone who was an inconvenience. I hate you." - Jessie Davis' sister

"Don't even look at me... He violently murdered her, five foot four, nine months pregnant, that baby could have delivered," - Jessie Davis' father

Rest in peace Jessie and baby Chloe.

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