Thursday, February 14, 2008

Larry's Mail Bag - Feb. 14, 2008

Mary, Maine:
Hi Larry, what do you think about Bobby Cutts being found guilty. Do you think he’ll get the death penalty?

Mary, justice was served. He better get the death penalty or hell will be raised.

Courtney, California:
Do you think Michael Jackson is guilty?

Courtney, I have always felt since 1993 that Michael Jackson is guilty. IMO lady justice got a kick in the pants when that not guilty verdict came down and justice was not served. The jury was in the tank. They were Jackson fans. The evidence was overwhealming.

Martha, New York:
What are your personal politics?

Martha, I go back and forth. I say I’m a goldwater republican. I support republicans on some policies and democrats on others.

Jane, Georgia:
Hows your investigation of the Tara Grinstead case going?

Jane, I am working on some things but can’t talk about them. The authorities will be no help, they have botched it from the start.

Millicent, Washington:
Larry, what cases have touched you the most personally?

Millicent - JonBenet Ramsey, Elizabeth Smart, Natalee Holloway, and Tiffany Souers all touched me a great deal.

Debbie, Colorado:
Larry, who is your personal hero?

Beth Holloway

Nancy, Virginia:
Larry, do you watch Joe Scarborough on MSNBC?

Nancy, I watched Joe Scarborough when he hosted "Scarborough Country," he covered some very interesting entertainment stories, but I do not watch his morning show.

Berry, Ohio:
Larry, who are you voting for?

Thats personal.

Hillary, Maine:
Larry, do you ever think somebody is not guilty?

Hillary, YES! I thought Martha Stewart was not guilty and I think Nancy Grace is not guilty of the Melinda Duckett charges.

Tracy, Iowa:
Larry, when is the death penalty appropriate and is their ever a time when cameras in the courtroom are inappropriate?

Tracy, the DP is appropriate in ALL murder cases when they are proven beyond a resonable doubt. Cameras in the courtroom are ALWAYS appropriate because anybody can go sit and watch in a courtroom… the camera just extends that access to everyone through the power of televsion.

Tom, California:
What do you think of Tom Sneddon and the song "Tom Sneddon is a cold man?"

Tom Sneddon is a good man and a determined prosecutor. That song is horrible and MJ being a baby.

Fransico, California:
What do you think of Larry Garrison?

Larry Garrison is a brilliant journalist and I loved his book "The Newsbreaker." I model my journalism after his!

Britney, Louisiana:
What do you think of Air America radio?

Interesting opinions.

Grace, Oklahoma:
How do we stop school shootings?

By cracking down on school security.

Bill, Ohio:
Which killer do you have sympathy for?

No killer… once you take a life… your done. I have no sympathy or compassion for you.

Eggnog, North Pole:
Larry, who is your favorite investigative journalist?

Diane Dimond, superior investigative skills and ability to talk in the terms of the "average joe;" makes stories interesting.

Morris, Washington:
What can our lawmakers do to keep America safe from killers?

Morris, they can study them and figure out WHY THEY KILL. Research can help us.

OrganicMary, Hollywood:
Larry, what shows do you watch?

"Nancy Grace" and "On the Record"

Jon, New York:
Ever think about getting married?

One day, when I find the right person.

To send Larry a question, e-mail him @:

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